Unhealthy Weight Loss Methods

Yes, dieting is hard, but that is no excuse to resort to unhealthy weight loss methods to lose unwanted weight. The three most unhealthy weight loss methods include starvation diets, anorexia and bulimia. Unfortunately these are most common among women, with the pressure to be thin everywhere we turn around.

Starvation diets are just that, not eating enough for your body to sustain the proper energy levels. Maybe you are skipping breakfast, maybe breakfast and lunch. Whatever your starvation trick, you keep telling your body, when it is grumbling down to the bottom of your feet, that it is really not hungry. Eventually you get used to skipping all these meals and eating less at the ones you do eat that your metabolism becomes decreased. However, once you push yourself to eat more or indulge a little more than normal, your body reacts violently, and before you know it, you have gained back the weight you lost by starving yourself (and perhaps even more).

Anorexia is a more severe starvation diet and a much more unhealthy weight loss method. The side effects of anorexia can range from thinning hair or loss of hair in clumps to even death. You are literally starving your body of any nutrients it needs in order to live. A lot of younger people experiment with this fad and it can completely take over one's life if allowed. Many people go back and forth between recovery and relapse of this body altering addiction.

Bulimia is yet another unhealthy weight loss method that can seriously damage your body. Commonly known as binging and purging, bulimics typically gorge on large quantities of food and then evacuate or throw it up. The scariest thing about bulimia is that you may not even realize someone is suffering by looking at them. It is a control weight loss solution where your weight does not fluctuate much below a normal level. However, inside the body is incredibly unhealthy. Like anorexia, bulimia can be fatal, also effecting the heart, liver and kidneys, creating stomach ulcers, and dental and esophageal problems, to name a few.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=William_Rigby