Why Short Workouts Are Effective For Building Quick Six Pack Abs

By Howe Russ

In this day and age, everybody is looking for the fastest way to do everything. We're sure you have already seen the type of adverts which claim to tell you how to get a six pack in 3 minutes and other big claims. Whether you're trying to learn how to lose weight or you want to build some muscle, fitness is one area in which people are continuously looking for a quick fix.

That's not to say you cannot achieve fast results, though.

When it comes to training your midsection there is a wealth of misinformation which tends to serve very little purpose, other than holding people back. Most people find it difficult to focus on something when they have five other sources telling them to do things differently. This is a common problem in the fitness industry, leading many people to quit on themselves due to frustration.

If you have a friend telling you about a training method they have got results with but then another friend warning you that they tried the same thing and got nowhere fast, it's easy to discourage yourself. Good old trial and error still plays a major role in finding the perfect fitness plan for an individual.

While you'll be able to tell if a plan is yielding good or bad results for your body and develop it further from there, the basic principles are the same for all of us.

The three movements in this workout are designed to not only strengthen your abs but also toughen the areas around it. By strengthening the muscles around your stomach you will notice that results come far easier. This workout only takes three minutes, but you'll earn your results.

* The Mountain Climber

* Ninety Degree Crunches (knees held up at a ninety degree angle)

* Plank Variation (instead of being on your forearms and wrists you'll be elevated up onto your hands in the push-up starting position)

Each move is performed with high intensity for 30 seconds. This session is based around your efforts, so try to cut down rest between exercises to as little as possible or none at all providing you can physically handle it. In doing so, your heart rate will be elevated and allow you to burn off more calories at an express rate. Two rounds of this circuit will only take three minutes, with the option of a third round for those who are more experienced with circuit training.

While many people spend years seemingly looking for an unattainable 'secret formula' to bringing out definition in their midsection, the underlying truth of the matter is that they're simply skipping over the simple answer to their problems in their mad search to find the latest gimmick. As is often the case with fitness in general, sometimes getting back to basics is the answer you need. This type of session is effective for 4 reasons:

* By focusing on an equipment free session you allow yourself to never skip a session due to the fact that it can be performed in any environment.

* Providing you have a shower at work, you could literally do this in the office due to the tiny amount of time it takes from beginning to end.

* You'll be able to perform this with a very high level of intensity. Again, this is due to the fact that it's over in just a few short moments. High intensity training is proven to far advance regular training when it comes to blasting unwanted body fat and sculpting lean muscle tissue.

* While most people enjoy pushing themselves with cardiovascular training or trying to beat personal best's on weights, few people have anything to strive for while hitting their midsection. There's no challenge. The challenge is what's going to push you to new results.

Three minutes may not seem like long, but it's about what you do with the time rather than how long it may be. One look at any gym will tell you this, where there have undoubtedly been folks striving to learn how to lose weight and getting nowhere fast, despite training religiously for years and doing what seems like endless cardiovascular activity. Of course, one of the main factors in learning how to get a six pack in 3 minutes is appreciating that the work can't stop the moment your session is over. You should be working on eating sensibly and looking after your body if you want to get maximum results.

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