The Importance Of Proper Form For Love Handles Exercises

By Andrew Michaels

One very difficult part of a total body routing is getting rid of the fat stores that lie around the waist. This is by no means an easy part of the body to tone and there are many popular love handles exercises that can cause strain to the back and the neck. The good news is that it is possible to see some remarkable improvements in this area by altering your workout. If you use the correct form, plenty of repetition and remain committed, you can create a flat, attractive stomach and can even build more core strength for protecting your spine from injuries.

Develop Body Awareness

Before you start doing love handles exercises, you should learn more about your body and how your core muscles are designed to work. These sit at the center of your physique and are used to maintain proper posture, prevent back strain and protect the spine. If your core muscles lack tone, your waistline probably has a rounded and bulky appearance.

Taking the time to draw the core muscles in and then tighten them will help you to get better posture right away. Training yourself to engage your core muscles at all times will help you to target your abdominal muscles more effectively. This will also enhance your efforts to condition this area of the body, particularly your obliques.

Perfect Your Form

Whether you are performing your love handles exercises while lying down or standing up, it is essential that you use the proper form. This will help you to avoid placing large amounts of stress on the neck or the spine. Actively engaging the core muscles is the first step to take. This is done by drawing the navel up and towards the spine.

One trick is to imagine that a cord is attacked to the navel and that this is being pulled taut by a person who is standing behind you. As you do this, you will find that you start breathing with your diaphragm better, as opposed to using your chest. When you do side bends while performing love handles exercises, keep your core muscles engaged will help you to gain more benefits.

Performing Love Handles Exercises In Prone Position

When performing twisting crunches or any other love handles exercises that are performed while lying prone, you should always make sure that there is about three to four inches of space in-between the chin and the chest. If you perform crunches while drawing the chin into the chest, the majority of the work will be done by your neck. You can imagine that you are holding an apple here or you can place an actual tennis ball between the chin and the base of the neck. Without either of these tools, this distance is best measured with your own fist.

The most important thing to remember when performing love handles exercises, however, is that you must fatigue these muscles. Although more sets and repetitions can be an uncomfortable challenge, the will also promote faster results. Alternating between standing exercises and those that are performed while lying down will help you to condition the obliques more effectively.

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