Increasing Your Muscle Mass With 5 Simple Steps

By Russ Howe

Depending how long you have been a member of a gym you may have already encountered the madness which ensues when you ask anybody for tips on how to build muscle fast. This also occurs when you bring up the topic of how to lose weight of course. Nobody tells you the same thing twice and everybody swears that their way is the right way. Right now you're going to find out the facts and they are a lot simpler than you might be thinking.

Today's post will feature five foundations of building lean, fat free tissue. Whether you're looking to become a man-mountain or just simply improve your physique, let's get to work.

1) You Still Need To Diet.

2) Understand Supplements Before Using Them.

3) Structure Your Workouts To Your Goal.

4) Rest Your Muscles.

5) Sleeping Is Now Part Of Your Training.

Some of these tips seem like common sense. One and three, for example. But we're amazed by how many people do these wrong. For instance. the first tip is about simply dieting to build rather than dieting to cut. Most people who are trying to get bigger don't even look after their diet. They have a false idea that in order to gain size you just have a post-workout protein shake and then eat whatever you like for the rest of the time.

While you may be striving to add more size to your body, we're pretty sure you don't mean fat.

Watch the video incorporated into today's post to learn how to sort out your diet. The simple system shown is proven to work.

People also have a laid back approach when it comes to supplements. They're sold on hype. So many gym users take a protein or another product because they liked the promises on the packaging about what it would do. Take a few seconds to learn the basics on supplements so you can spot a good one from a bad one, otherwise you'll be constantly jumping between products.

Keep your supplements basic when going for size. Stick to the proven ones such as whey protein and creatine, anything else is an 'add on' and not a necessity. The basis of your diet should revolve around food, not powder and pills.

When it comes to your workout routine there are a million different ways to do it but the foundations of any great muscle building program are always very similar. Compound movements including Bench Press, Squat and Bent Over Rows are the focus of your work. You'll see others spending 45 minutes isolating their forearms, but this isn't going to get them anywhere.

Rest is the most overlooked rule. Once you begin enjoying your training you don't want to take a day off, understandably. But the truth is you hinder yourself if you train too much, particularly with this type of long-term goal. Beware of over-training.

Sleeping is also a key ingredient in this type of diet. In order to release growth hormone your body needs to be asleep. If you fail to get enough sleep you sell yourself short. It's that simple.

If anybody reading this also read our five step guide on how to lose weight fast and safely you'll notice that it was just as simple and easy to follow. Because despite all the hype and confusion surrounding how to build muscle the basics are still as good as it gets.

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