What Are The Health Benefits Of Antioxidants?

By Robert Neely

Most medical doctors are advocating fruits and vegetables to be included in a daily diet regime. There are plenty of excellent reasons to the suggestion; however one of the reasons is antioxidants that the majority of fruits and veggies provide. However exactly what are antioxidants? What makes them so important?

Process of oxidation happens in all places from slice of pear turning brownish color to rust on a metal pipe. This is a common process that also happens in a body. Our body usually deals with oxidation well, but from time to time it results in cell damage. The damaged cells are referred to as free radicals, molecules with unpaired electron. Since it is unpaired, it will try to take an electron from another molecule. When this reaction becomes extreme, it can cause numerous health problems like cancer, heart problems and arthritis. Radiation, cigarette smoke and pollution also add up to the growth of free radicals. Antioxidants are substances that neutralize free radicals.

By giving an electron to free radicals, antioxidants avoid cell damage. It is recommended to take food products that offer antioxidants on a regular basis to be in a healthy condition. Many veggies and fruits are a great supply of antioxidants thanks to vitamins C and E. The vitamins are recognized to be one of the best antioxidants. Vegetables and fruits like strawberry, kiwi, papaya, spinach, bell pepper, and broccoli are a good source of vitamin C and E. But these vitamins are not the only source of antioxidants and actually they are not the utmost source.

A growing number of dieticians agree Epigallocatechin or also referred to as EGCG could be a more potent supply of antioxidants than vitamins C and E. A lot of scientists agree that EGCG is 100 times more efficient than vitamin C and 25 times more beneficial compared to vitamin E in protecting against free radicals. EGCG is found in green tea extract. A few of the best-known green tea positive effects include preventions against cancer, fat gain, bad cholesterol, depressive disorders and heart problems.

There have been a number of lab examinations with regards to the impacts of green tea on cancer cells. The end results show the dose of 300mg of EGCG a day to be the ideal amount. A cup of tea provides approximately 100mg of EGCG. Much more case studies are on the way, however for now 3 cups daily is an ideal amount.

Presently there are a variety of methods to take green tea. Standard way is to make and to drink the tea. This really is good particularly if taken while eating a meal. One more common way is to add green tea powder to lemon water. Blending lemon with EGCG has been known to improve the benefits. More convenient way is to take tea capsules. This is good for individuals disliking the bitter tea flavor.

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